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Etah Love x Clocks + Colours - Merger FAQUpdated 4 months ago

Why are Clocks + Colours and Etah Love merging? 

The merger represents a strategic move to offer our customers a more diverse and comprehensive range of products and a seamless shopping experience on one website. By joining forces, we can provide you with even more choices and styles to explore without shopping on separate websites!

When are Clocks + Colours and Etah Love merging? 

The merger will be taking place in early April 2024!

Will the product quality and design change with the merger? 

Not at all!

We are committed to maintaining the high-quality craftsmanship and standards associated with Etah Love and will continue working with the same artisans we always have. Your trust in our product quality and love for our original designs remains our top priority.

Will the unique identity of Etah Love and Clocks + Colours be preserved in the merger? 

Yes, we value the distinct identity and mission of both brands. The merger aims to preserve these values while enhancing the overall customer experience.

How will the merger affect my orders or returns? 

Your orders and return processes will remain the same. We are dedicated to providing seamless customer service throughout and after the merger.

What benefits will loyal customers receive as part of the Loyalty Program? 

Loyal customers of both brands can look forward to exclusive offers, lifetime discounts, early access to new drops, and more as we continue to develop the Loyalty Program. We appreciate your loyalty and want to show our gratitude.

Will there be any changes in pricing with the merger? 

No changes here! Our pricing will remain competitive and fair, just as it has always been. We are committed to offering you excellent value for your money.

What new products can we expect to see with the merger? 

Answer: The merger allows us to introduce a wider range of products, styles, and designs. You can anticipate fresh and innovative offerings in both men's and women's collections.

How will the merger affect customer support and communication? 

The merger enables us to provide even better customer support, with faster response times and more comprehensive assistance. We are committed to keeping you well-informed throughout the process. So reach out any time!

Will there be changes in the website or shopping experience due to the merger? 

The merger aims to enhance your shopping experience. You'll be able to conveniently shop for both men's and women's collections on a single website, making it easier and more enjoyable. Our EU customers will benefit from EU shipping on the website.

What if I have other questions about the merger?

You can always reach out to our customer support team directly through this link.

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