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How do I care for my items?Updated 3 months ago

Can I get my items wet?

Getting your items wet every now and again is not the end of the world. But swimming, playing sports or being hard at work is going to make them dull. We suggest taking off your items. If you do get your items wet make sure you give them a good dry and polish with a silver polishing cloth.

How do I polish my items?

We offer a Silver Cleaning kit on our website! Do note that this item is a final sale item.

To care for your silver pieces follow the instructions below.

  1. Apply foam to jewelry.
  2. Let soak for 10-30 seconds.
  3. Work into the surface and detailed areas with the soft brush.
  4. Rinse well, and repeat if necessary.
  5. After cleaning, use the polishing cloth to dry.

Additionally, you can also polish your pieces with a silver polishing cloth. These can be purchased online from a third party or at your local jewelry store. Silver polishing cloths work wonders for making your items look brand new again! Some jewelers also offer a polishing service. 

Please note any damage to rings by the jeweller is not covered under warranty

We highly recommend not using a sterling silver polish, it is noticeable when it has been used and it will void the warranty. 

What should I do to take care of my sterling silver item?

Sterling silver can react with things around you, we suggest removing it when doing the following

  • Showering, bathing, swimming in pools or the ocean and hot tubs
  • Using skin care products, hair care and fragrances  
  • Exercising at the gym or doing contact sports
  • Meal preparation
  • Manual labour, construction, gardening, etc 

Any time you think your item may not stay clean and dry take it off and keep it safe. If you do this and give it a good polish every now and again your item should stay looking new.

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